A. Peer-reviewed publications:
Ewen, A*, Hawkins, J, Kloss K, Sengupta, S, Burgess, H, Nwankwo, R, Funnell, M., Mitchell, J. & Piatt, G. The Michigan men’s diabetes project: perspectives on a peer-led diabetes self-management and support intervention for Black men with type 2 diabetes (in press). BMC Health Services Research.
Price, J., Hawkins, J., Amante, D. & James, R. (in press). Implementation Science and Pediatric Diabetes: A Scoping Review of the State of the Literature and Recommendations for Future Research. Current Diabetes Reports.
Jones, LM, Korrey E. Monroe, KE, Tripathi, P, Bashshur MJ, Kavalakatt, J, Tarrance, K, Jamie Mitchell, J., & Hawkins, J. (in press). Empowering WHISE Women: Usability Testing of a Mobile Application to Enhance Blood Pressure Control. mHealth.
Hawkins, J., Sengupta, S.*, Schwenzer, C., Smith, F., Kloss, K., & Piatt, G. (in press). Applying the Theoretical Domains Framework to Identify Barriers and Facilitators to Mental Health Care Use Among African Americans with Type 2 Diabetes: A Qualitative Study. BMJ Open.
Ewen, A.*, Hawkins, J., Kloss, K., Groot, M., Schwenzer, C., Smith, F., Kloss, K., & Piatt, G. (in press). Michigan Men’s Diabetes Study (MenD): Findings from a Peer-Led Diabetes Social Support Pilot/Feasibility Study for Older Black Men with Type 2 Diabetes. American Journal of Men’s Health.
Yu Z, An Q*, Hawkins J, Zhang A. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression Among Chinese Diabetes Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Research on Social Work Practice. 2024 Mar;34(3):277-92.
Krings A, Mora AS, Bechara S, Sánchez CN, Gutiérrez LM, Hawkins J, Austic E. How Early Social Work Faculty Experienced Support in Their Doctoral Programs. Journal of Social Work Education. 2023 Dec 21:1-9.
Hawkins, J.; Sengupta S*, Kloss K, Kurnick K, Ewen A*, Nwawkwo R, Funnell M, Mitchell J, Jones L, Piatt G. (2023) Michigan men’s diabetes project II: Protocol for peer-led diabetes self-management education and long-term support in Black men. Plos one. 2;18(3):e0277733.
Hawkins, J.; Kieffer, E.C.; Sinco, B.; Piatt, G.; Jones, L.; Mitchell, J.; Espitia, N.; LeBron, A.; Kloss, K.; Kurnick, K.; et al. (2022). Using Path Analysis and Linear Regression to Test for Gender and Participation: Effects in a Culturally Tailored Diabetes Intervention for Latino/a Adults. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. Sep 22;19(19):11982.
Jones, L.M.; Hawkins, J; Mitchell, J., Wright, K.; & Yendelela, C. (2022). Health Social Networks of Black Women with Hypertension. Nursing Research. Apr 13:10-97.
Jones LM, Moss KO, Mitchell J, Still C, Hawkins J, Tang E, Wright KD. Challenges to dietary hypertension self‐management as described by a sample of African American older adults. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing. 2022 Feb;19(1):64-72.
LeBrón, A., Espitia, N., Kieffer, EC., Sinco, BR, Hawkins, J., Nicklett, EJ., Palmisano, G., Heisler, M., & Spencer, MS. (2021). Using path analysis to model the process of change in HbA1c among African Americans and Latinos in a community health worker diabetes intervention. Patient Education and Counseling. doi; 10.1016/j.pec.2021.11.025.
Hawkins, J., Gilcher, K., Schwenzer, C., & Lutz, L. (2021). Investigating Racial Differences Among Men in COVID-19 Diagnosis, and related Psychosocial and Behavioral Factors: Data from the Michigan Men’s Health Fair. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18, 3284. doi:10.3390/ijerph18063284
Hawkins, J., Kloss, K., Schwenzer, C., Smith, F.*, Nwankwo, R., Funnell, M, & Piatt, G. (2021). Protocol for a Peer Led Diabetes Self-Management Intervention with African American men with type 2 diabetes. BMC Public Health. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-10613-2
Jones, LM, Ginier, E., Debbs,J. Eaton, J., Renner, C., Hawkins, J., Rios-Spicer, R., Tang, E., Schertzing, C., Giordani BM. (2020) Exploring Representation of Diverse Samples in fMRI Studies Conducted in Patients with Cardiac-Related Chronic Illness: A Focused Review. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. doi: 0.3389/fnhum.2020.00108
Hawkins, J., Hecht*, H., Schwenzer*, C., Jones, L., Velez-Ortiz, D., Lee*, J., Ahmedani, B. & Piatt, G. (2020). Factors associated with delayed mental health care seeking in men with diabetes and depression: The Role of Age and Race. Health Education and Care. doi:10.15761/HEC.1000163
Mitchell, J., Hawkins, J., & Burkmeier, S. (2019). Decoding the role of companions in supporting the health communication of older African American men with cancer. Patient Education Counseling. doi: 10.1177/2374373519844098. pdf
Hawkins, J. (2019). Type 2 diabetes self-management in non-Hispanic Black men: A current state of the literature. Current Diabetes Reports. doi: 10.1007/s11892-019-1131- 8. pdf
Hawkins, J., Watkins, D., Ober-Allen, J., & Mitchell, J. (2018). Identifying subgroups among men of color at increased risk for comorbid depression and overweight or obesity. Preventive Medicine Reports. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2018.10.022. pdf
Perry, R., Mitchell, J., Hawkins, J., & Johnson-Lawrence, V. (2018). Are African American Men Getting All of their Questions Answered in the Doctor’s Office? The Roles of Multimorbidity and Aging. Geriatrics: Special Issue on Chronic Illness Self- Management. doi: 10.3390/geriatrics3040074 pdf
Hawkins, J., Mitchell, J., Piatt, G., & Ellis, D. (2018). Older African American Men’s Perspectives on Factors that Influence Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) Self-Management and Peer-Led Interventions. Geriatrics: Special Issue on Chronic Illness Self-Management. doi: 10.3390/geriatrics3030038. pdf
Spencer, M. S. Keiffer, E., Sinco, B.R., Piatt, G., Palsimano, G., Hawkins, J., Tang, T., Lebron, A., Espitia, N., Nicklett, E.J., & Heisler, M. (2018). Outcomes at 18 Months From a Community Health Worker and Peer Leader Diabetes Self-Management Program for Latino Adults. Diabetes Care, doi: 10.2337/dc17-0978 pdf
Chin, M., Hawkins, J., Krings, M., Spencer, C., & Gutierrez, L. (2018). Investigating diversity in social work doctoral education. Journal of Social Work Education: Special Issue on Doctoral Education. doi: 10.1080/10437797.2018.1503127 pdf
Hawkins, J., & Mitchell, J. (2018). The doctor never listens: Older African American men’s perceptions of patient-provider communication and the role of social workers in helping them feel heard. Social Work Research, 42(1), 57–63, doi: 10.1093/swr/svx028 pdf
Hawkins, J., & Mitchell, J. (2017). Social support and integration as mechanisms for better understanding the relationship between race and health care utilization among men. International Journal of Men’s Health, (16)1, 66-83, doi: 10.3149/jmh.1601.66. pdf
Hawkins, J., Watkins, D. C., Kieffer, E., Spencer, M. S., Nicklett, E. J., Piatt, G., Espitia, N., Lebron, A., & Palmisano, G. (2016). An exploratory study of gender identity and its influence on health behavior among African American and Latino men with type 2 diabetes. American Journal of Men’s Health, 11(2), 344-356, doi: 10.1177/1557988316681125 pdf
Sherman, L., Hawkins, J., & Bonner, T. (2016). An analysis of the recruitment and participation of African American men in Type 2 diabetes self-management research: A review of the published literature. Social Work in Public Health, 32(1), 38-48, doi: 10.1080/19371918.2016.1188742. pdf
Hawkins, J., Watkins, D. C., Bonner, T. & Thompson, T. (2016). Racial/Ethnic differences in predictors of mental health treatment among persons with self-reported diabetes and depression. Social Work in Public Health, 31(6), 511-519, doi: 10.1080/19371918.2016.1160333 pdf
Hawkins, J., Watkins, D. C., Keiffer, E., Spencer, M., Espitia, N., Sinco, B., & Anderson, M. (2015). Structural and psychosocial factors that influence health care use and self-management for African American and Latino men with type 2 diabetes: An exploratory study. The Journal of Men’s Studies, doi: 10.1177/1060826515582495 pdf
Watkins, D. C. Hawkins, J., & Mitchell, J. (2014). The discipline’s escalating whisper: Social work and black men’s mental health. Research on Social Work Practice, doi: 1049731514526621. pdf
Mitchell, J. & Hawkins, J., Shires, D. (2014). The psychosocial care of African American adults with diabetes: A brief review. Social Work in Public Health, 29(6), 518- 527, doi: 10.1080/19371918.2014.888533. pdf
Burgard, S. A., & Hawkins, J. (2014). Race/ethnicity, educational attainment, and foregone health care in the United States in the 2007–2009 recession. American Journal of Public Health, 104(2), e134-e140, doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301512 pdf
Spencer, M. S., Hawkins, J., Espitia, N. R., Sinco, B. R., Jennings, T., Palsimano, G., & Keiffer, E. (2013). Impact of a community health worker-led diabetes lifestyle intervention on mental health outcomes. Race & Social Problems, 5(2), 137-146, doi:10.1007/s12552-013-9098-6 pdf
Hawkins, J., Kieffer, E. C., Sinco, B., Spencer, M., Anderson, M., & Rosland, A. M. (2013). Does gender influence participation? Predictors of participation in a community health worker diabetes management intervention with African American and Latino adults. The Diabetes Educator, 39(5), 647-654, doi:10.1177/0145721713492569 pdf
LeBron, A. M., Valerio, M. A., Kieffer, E., Sinco, B., Rosland, A. M., Hawkins, J., & Spencer, M. (2013). Everyday discrimination, diabetes-related distress, and depressive symptoms among African Americans and Latinos with diabetes. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 1-9, doi:10.1007/s10903-013-9843-3 pdf
Mitchell, J. Hawkins, J., & Watkins, D. C. (2013). Proposing a model of cancer family history communication between African American men and their families. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 21(2), 97-111, doi:10.3149/jms.2102.97 pdf
Hastings, J. F. & Hawkins, J. (2010). Health insurance and diabetes among multiracial men: The mediation effects of usual source of care. American Journal of Men’s Health, Sep;4(3), 207-17, doi:10.1177/1557988308330105 pdf
Hastings, J. F. & Hawkins J. (2009). Body weight and goal setting among African American young women: California health interview survey (CHIS). Journal of African American Studies, Sep;13(1), 14-28, doi:10.1007/s12111-008-9064-3 pdf
Hawkins J. (2007). CalWORKs recipients: Mother’s in higher education and survival strategies. University of California at Berkeley McNair Scholars Research Journal, 14, 27-38.
B. Manuscripts Under Review:
Jones, LM; Cuffee, Y; Hawkins, J.; Ginier, E., Rios-Spicer, R.; Renner, C; Tang E. Ubesie, A. (under review). The Use of Storytelling to Promote Blood Pressure Control among African Americans with Hypertension: A Systematic Review. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.
Jones, LM, Ginier, E., Debbs,J. Eaton, J., Renner, C., Hawkins, J., Rios-Spicer, R., Tang, E., Schertzing, C., Giordani BM. (Revise and Resubmit) Exploring Representation of Diverse Samples in fMRI Studies Conducted in Patients with Cardiac-Related Chronic Illness: A Focused Review. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
C. Manuscripts In Progress:
Hawkins, J., Ewen, A.*, Abelson, J., Burgess, H., Sengupta, S., Funnell, M., Nwankwo, R. & Piatt, G. (in progress). Recruiting and Retaining Black Men in Behavioral Diabetes Intervention Research. Clinical Trials.
Hawkins, J., Ewen, A.*, Kloss, K., Burgess, H., Sengupta, S., Funnell, M., Nwankwo, R. & Piatt, G. (in progress). Michigan Men’s Diabetes Study (MenD): Findings from a Peer-Led Diabetes Social Support Pilot/Feasibility Study
Hawkins, J., Patzer, R.,... et al. Future Directions for Health Equity and Implementation Science Research at NIH/NIDDK. Diabetes Care.
Hawkins, J et. al. (in progress). Black Men and Type 2 Diabetes: A State of the Literature. Current Diabetes Reports.
Hawkins, J., Patton, S., Beach, L, Hilliard, M. & Piatt, G. (in progress). Including the Excluded in Behavioral Diabetes Research: Practical Strategies for Recruitment, Retention, and Engagement of Five Under-Represented Populations. Current Diabetes Reports.
Yu Z, An Q*, Zhang, A., Hawkins J. (in press). Understanding the long-term trajectory of depression and its predictors in individuals with diabetes: A nationally representative study using the Health and Retirement Survey. Journal TBD.
Zhang, A., Weaver, A., Hawkins, J., et al. (in progress). The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for individuals living with diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal TBD.
D. Book Chapters:
Watkins DC. & Hawkins J. (2015). Qualitative evidence in health promotion. In K. Olson, R. Young, & I. Schultz (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research for evidence-based practice. New York, NY: Springer-Science. pdf
Hawkins, J., Campbell, R., & Graham, C. (2019). Chronic Illness (Diabetes) Disparities in Men. In Handbook of Men’s Health Equity. Editor: Derek Griffith, Routledge: New York. link
E. Technical Reports:
Watkins, D., Mouzon, D., Mitchell, J., & Hawkins, J. (2016). Physical Health Intervention Field Scan, RISE for Boys and Men of Color, “A Field Scan of Physical and Mental Health Interventions for Black Men in the United States.”